In order to feel a little more at ease, I asked some current medical students what I should buy for my first year of school. This list may not apply to everyone or every program, but it's a good starting point! Also keep in mind that these are just people's suggestions and nothing on here is 100% necessary.
In order to give credit where it is deserved, I am going to use everyone's instagram names so you can find them on IG for more med school advice!
@hailysmedlife (current OMSI): "I definitely think having a boom stand is necessary, or a computer stand. to move your laptop height! Also first aid books"
@Medicaljess (PGYI): "An iPad with an iPad pencil for Notability"
@Busyscrubs (OMSII): "iPad, Netters flashcards, monitor screen for dual screens, standing desk or yoga ball to sit on, big whiteboard, Airpods, cheap scrubs for anatomy, and first aid books"
@noamrwellness: "iPad!"
@ke_bridgestomed (MS4):
"Must-Haves: First aid study book, meal prep containers, crockpot/instapot, colored pens, highlighters, Starbucks gift cards (when your family asks how they can help)
If you're a huge tech person: iPad/tablet to annotate class notes - but personally I'm a hand-writer and didn't use one
Self-Care items are really helpful: face masks, cozy socks, anything from the bath and body de-stress line, access to a gym/workout studio, new lounge wear/gym clothes (aka your new wardrobe)"
@tinydoc2b (MS3): "First aid, laptop/tablet, planner/calendar, comfortable (semi) professional shoes, and blue light glasses" "I would suggest pens/highlighters and good, comfy headphones!!"
@the.fro.doc (MS2): "First aid, quality pens/highlighters, a laptop stand, and a second monitor"
@sunkissed.n.inmed (MS3): "Well I don't think I could survive without my iPad/iPad pencil, and you definitely need the Netters Anatomy book/Oxford small blue book"
@kristicowsar (OMS4): "My most important thing was a meal prep service. I did not have the time to cook for myself at all anymore. This was my 'luxury' item that saved my health and my grades" (MS4): "Must-haves in my opinion are business casual outfits, noise cancelling headphones, mini notebooks for your white coat, and muji pens"
@shanonology (OMS1): "Important things are a la[top stand, portable hard drive or iCloud subscription for unlimited storage, a lunch box, google mini + google lights, sleep mask, a good coffee machine, and a doctor's bag to hold your stethoscope and other medical equipment"
@ariananaaseh (MS4): "I loved having an iPad and Apple Pencil. Not 100% necessary but is a great resource and once you get to t he hospital it is very easily portable to study on the go compared to a laptop. The little clinical trinkets you will need you can get closer to third year as you figure out what is necessary vs what is available at the hospital. I got gifted a stethoscope at my white coat ceremony but a lot of classes do group orders!"
There are also plenty other resources out there! Check out these pages for similar posts -
To all my fellow incoming MS1's I hope that helps you get your shopping list started!!
Happy shopping
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