It's that time of year again and I imagine that many of you are so overwhelmed thinking about finals. My own finals start in a week from yesterday and so I completely understand the panic. These tips are meant to help you through studying for finals in undergrad (especially as a pre-med). I am definitely using some of these tips as I study for my medical school finals but I don't want to pretend like I know the best way to go about medical school finals. I'm truly just rolling with it and hoping that I study the right way, but I guess we will see! Here are some things that worked for me when I was in undergrad:

1. Make a to-do list for each final. Include all the lectures/practice questions/etc that you want to get through. Having a list always makes me feel more in control! It is also great to be able to check things off as you go so that you can see the progress you are making. 

2. Schedule your time. I say this on my blog/instagram a lot but it really works. Schedule each day with exactly what you want to accomplish. Some people prefer to study each class for a few days before switching. I personally prefer to study for multiple classes a day. Pick which works for you and make a schedule.

3. GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Do not pull all-nighters. Really don't. It is not sustainable considering you are probably studying for a week or more and it is not going to help you learn material.  Also, fun fact, you consolidate your memories while you sleep so you need to sleep in order to remember what you learned!! 

4. Try to avoid junk food/fast food. I am in FULL support of chocolate while you study or ice cream every night as a reward. This is not me telling you to "eat healthy". I say this only because fast food and junk food can make you sluggish and tired.

5. Remember that coffee is not a meal. Another fun fact, your brain is picky when it comes to fuel. It requires glucose to work at its best so it is important that you remember to eat real meals while you're studying.

6. The library is not for everyone. Some people thrive in the library but it is okay if you don't! You shouldn't feel pressure to live in the library just because that is what people around you are doing. I hate the library and much prefer to study at home!

7. Let your meal times be a break! You don't need to study while you eat dinner, I promise. Use the time to decompress.

8. Study by yourself before you study with peers. As much as I love studying with friends, it is only helpful if you all know the material. It is very difficult to go over content or do practice questions as a group if you didn't study first. 

9. Carefully choose your study partners. Throughout undergrad I had 3 people that I consistently studied with. We worked well together, supported each other, learned the same ways and all stayed on top of the material. It was amazing and we really helped one another. Find your people and stick to them. Large study groups often turn into social hour and that isn't the best during finals week. Also, make sure to avoid people that insist on comparing themselves to you. You don't need to compare your study habits to anyone else's and you shouldn't allow others to make you.

10. Remember that it will be over soon and you will be okay. 

Happy Studying


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