January 03, 2021 in

MCAT Test Day

MCAT test day is honestly so stressful. I made my parents drop me off and pick me up because I was too nervous to drive myself lol. I honestly don't remember much about that day because I think I just blacked it out of my memory. But, in the end I made it through and managed to get a great score! Because it can be such a stressful day, I wanted to share some tips on how to make it less awful.

Before Test Day:

- Drive to the testing site and walk around (as much as you can) to get a feel for the location/so you don't get lost on test day.

- Pack your snacks and get everything ready so you don't have to rush in the morning

- Start getting up on the earlier side so that you aren't exhausted when you have to get up at 6am the day of your exam

- Do not study the day before the exam!! Let your brain relax and believe in the preparation you've done up until that day.

Test Day:

- Bring chocolate kisses. Seems little and silly but honestly such a golden tip

- Leave with plenty of time. I'm talking accounting for all the freeways to shut down kinda time. No need to add the extra stress of traffic/running late to your day.

- Have someone else drive you to the exam. This is just a personal preference but I do not like driving and finding parking so I had my mom drop me off.

- Pack a lunch and plenty of snacks/water

- Have headphones and calming music while you wait to be let in to the exam. There's no need to focus on anyone else but yourself. 

- BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. Confidence is so key on the MCAT. Take some deep breaths and think about how close you are to being done with the MCAT. 

xoxo and Happy New Year

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