As a first year medical student, I am so eager to make connections with pediatric neurologists both at my school and at other California schools. At first, I didn’t really know where to start or what to say but I knew I wanted to introduce myself.

It can be nerve-racking to cold-email someone who you aspire to be one day. So, here are some tips for reaching out, asking for shadowing or research ideas and finding a mentor!

  1. Research the person you are emailing! If they have a specific area of research you are in, read the abstracts (or even better, whole papers) of their most recent publications. Mention specifics in your email or later meetings to show your interest and commitment.
  2. Have a goal in mind! This one I learned recently because I was caught off guard with this question. If you are looking for research, what are you hoping to get out of it? Do you want to create your own project? Do you want to get to know the lab and what research is like? Etc. It doesn’t have to be super specific but have an idea of what your end goal is.
  3. Respect their time but DO NOT be afraid to follow up! People are busy and sometimes they forget to respond to emails. I usually give it a week before I send a short and very respectful follow-up email. Anytime I’ve done this the person has always thanked me for reminding them that they forgot about my first email! Do not be afraid to follow up.
  4. Have some questions ready for them if you do get a chance to meet in person or over the phone. This is especially important if you are looking for a mentor in general. You want to show interest and also learn something if you are going to be taking up their time!
  5. Don’t be afraid to reach out! This is honestly the most important thing. Cold emailing is scary but can lead to so many exciting opportunities. The worst thing that can happen is they say no or don’t respond and you move on to the next opportunity.

I hope this was helpful! Be on the lookout for an email template on my instagram soon!

Much Love Always

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